Send and receive SMS through from your website or service

One of the most asked-about features of our apps (FrontlineSMS and FrontlineCloud) is regarding the ability to handle sending and receiving messages through a third party application or web service. Many of our users want to build apps for a wide range of application areas which talk to our apps so that we can handle their SMS functionality. Using any language that can call normal API methods many successful integrations have been developed with great success and with limited input required from us.

It's relatively straightforward to set up, and to make this even easier, we have set up a sample PHP implementation of a message-sending app.  View the sample PHP code here:

The Web Connection API docs that describe the available functionality are online hosted part of our comprehensive knowledge base:

We hope this sample code shows just how easy it is to use our API but we're constantly . We're always happy to help users who get stuck when using this or any other functionality through our support forums.