Frontline's Local Focus


We’re ecstatic to announce FrontlineLocal - a locally hosted version of Frontline’s most powerful tools, with seamless cloud integration to secure, protect, and control your messaging data. Frontline got its start building desktop tools, migrated to the cloud, and FrontlineLocal combines the best of the two.

For us - and in a world that is growingly regulating the way we store and automate the use of data - user control is the first step. Over the last 14 years, we’ve supported users in more than 175 countries, each with unique operation requirements, opt-in and data protection laws. The only way for our platform to work in all of those places was to focus our platform architecture and development on adaptability.

So we built a cloud-hosted version of Frontline, optimized for redundancy, aggregation, and integration. Using our cloud-hosted platform, you can remotely manage text messaging campaigns of any scale, anywhere in the world - building user lists, automating common communications, and increasing data flows. Web-hosting also taught us about the importance of user control in building secure and internationally compliant approaches to opt-in, data protection, and localization.

Which brings us to FrontlineLocal - a locally hosted version of our messaging management platform, with the ability to export and sync data into our cloud platform, and any other platform.

So here’s what that means for you:

Flexible, secure, compliant data architecture Whether you’re setting up an enterprise messaging system behind a firewall, or launching a messaging hub using a laptop and an Android, FrontlineLocal builds a local, modular database. FrontlineLocal ensures that you not only control what data you collect, but where you store it. You can build compliance, whether with local data protection law, Europe’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), and any other relevant data regulations.

Configured local connectivity In a lot of places we work (like Washington, DC), the Internet drops. In some places, it’s not available at all. FrontlineLocal supports real-time messaging management and automation anywhere there’s a mobile signal, in your office or on your laptop. With FrontlineLocal, you can set up connectivity optimized for any environment and any number of people.

Synced Automation Everywhere FrontlineLocal makes it easy to standardize your automated conversations, no matter where you’re messaging. Standardizing messaging conversation logic improves data quality across the frontlines (sorry) of every franchise, local office, or member.

FrontlineLocal is just getting started, but we can already see an enormous amount of need - from international campaigns, businesses, and humanitarian response, to name a few! We take user centricity seriously, and that means starting early and iterating based on user feedback. We’d love your help in building a better product, so if you’re interested in learning more, click here to get in touch!
